Aside from regular well visits and the monthly vaccines puppies must endure until they’re four months old, we let our healthy pets remain on auto-pilot when it comes to medical care. Of course, you’re attentive to changes in their health, but the health of your well-cared for pet is not a cause for concern. And it likely doesn’t need to be. But it’s wise to have a care plan which outlines steps and emergency vet options in the event of an emergent threat to your pet’s health. Following find some tips on how to be prepared in advance of an emergency involving your pet’s health, from emergency vet options to post-emergency care.
What is an Emergency?
An emergency for your pet is easy to understand: it’s the unlikely event in which your animal is injured or begins to present symptoms that could be a threat to their health. But this can also include emergencies that impact your whole family or community, such as weather-related events, threats to your dwelling such as fires or sudden damage, evacuations, and other unforeseen disasters. Your pets are part of your family, and you likely have a plan for the safety of your family in the event of such an emergency. It may ease your mind to have a plan for your pet as well, or to have one that includes your pet. Many of the following tips will apply flexibly to a number of different situations.
Number One: A Plan
Work with your family in crafting an emergency plan for your pet: you will not necessarily be on hand when your pet has an emergency. Be sure that everyone in the family is aware of the plan, has access to important contacts, and understands and is able to execute the steps. Be sure the plan includes contact numbers for other family members and community supports as well as the pet’s regular veterinarian, emergency vet options, a pet emergency kit, and vital monitoring of your pet. In support of your plan, keep your pet’s health needs and vaccinations current. If the emergency involves a natural disaster that impacts the whole family or community, make your family aware of emergency vet options that remain open during such adverse conditions.
Number Two: A Pet Emergency Kit
Have a bag packed, regularly replenished, and ready to go. Be sure that everyone in the family knows the location and most necessary contents of the kit. Some things to include in your pet’s emergency kit: Food; any medications your pet needs; litter, if your pet is a cat; a leash and/or a pet carrier for smaller pets; bottled water; copies of your animal’s medical records and any insurance information; a pet first aid kit; comfort items for your pet, such as preferred toys or blankets or pet bed.
Number Three: Know the Locations of Emergency Animal Hospitals in Your Area
There are more veterinary practices operating as animal hospitals with emergency capacity than ever before. Scout out the ones closest to you and be sure you can navigate to them quickly. Store them in your wireless phone, post them in your home, and include them in your pet’s emergency kit. Your pet’s regular vet will be the best choice in an emergency, but they may not be available if an emergency occurs after hours.
Post-Emergency Care
Your animal’s regular vet will need to be involved in both your pet’s health emergency and their aftercare. Be sure that your vet is working closely with the emergency vet options you used during the emergency. Communication is vital. And be sure that you and your family understand the aftercare that your pet will require. In the event that you have a question about your pet’s health or recovery, the emergency vet you worked with will be a valuable resource, so keep them a part of your pet’s aftercare.
it’s most likely that you will never have to deal with a pet emergency. But it’s better to have a plan and not it need than to need a plan and not have it. And remember that when it comes to finding an emergency vet, options abound.