Your neighbor’s family has grown by four feet!
They are so excited about their newest little family member that they sent out an email to all of their friends and family introducing Daiken, the newest addition to their family.
Question: Daiken? What kind of name is that?
Answer:It is a shortened version of Daikokuken, one of the seven Japanese gods of good fortune. Our previous Doxie was named for one of the seven as well.
Question:How is the name pronounced?
Answer:It actually rhymes with bacon. So, “What’s shakin’ Daiken,” is an appropriate greeting.
Question:How old is he?
Answer:He is almost 12 weeks old, and weighs nearly six pounds. He will probably only get about 11 to 14 pounds by the time he is full grown.
Question:What is it like having a puppy in the house again?
Answer:Puppies demand your attention, and it’s been a long time since we’ve had one! But it has been a lot of fun, and we look forward to having him for many many years! With that said, we do spend a lot of training time saying, “No,” and “Drop it,” many times a day.
Question:When can we meet him?
Answer:Stopping by the house unannounced right now is not a great plan as Daiken still gets pretty excited. Instead, we are having a meet and greet at our vet clinic in a couple of weeks. We will keep you posted.
When Your Pets Are Like Your Children!
For many families, a pet is as important as a child. When a pet first joins a family, in fact, families often celebrate with the new owners. When a pet is sick then it should come as no surprise that families are concerned. In the event of treatment of cancer in animals, families become especially concerned and look at a number of options, including veterinary surgery options. And while treatment of cancer in animals is not the most serious situation a pet owner may experience, it can be a difficult situation with some very complicated decisions to make.
Veterinary surgical procedures vary in both seriousness and cost. For many families, it makes sense to think scenarios through ahead of time. Just as parents have to make difficult health decisions about their children, pet owners also have to make heath care choices. One indicator of the importance is pets is that money is often of little consequence when it comes to the health and care of a treasured pet. For instance, Forbes Magazine reported that 92% of pet owners spent the same or more on their pets during the most recent recession period. Understandably, veterinary services are seen as a necessity. The fact that vets suggest twice a year checkups for older pets is just the base level of care that most owners provide. The treatment of cancer in animals is one of the most difficult decisions that owners need to make.